Tina Goertz :: 2.0 ePortfolio: Instructional Design & Development
function and fun!
For me Instructional
Design is a key component to understanding what the learner requires, the technology
needed to move it online and how all of the phases (ADDIE) work together to
form a coherent and “teachable” eCourse.
This section is where the bulk of my work lies; I have written about my personal learning philosophy, applied a systems analysis using Banathys’ Functions/Structure Lens, designed a eCourse on Constructivism to learners with ADD, argued for/against technological advancements, and created an instructional unit in Moodle on HTML.
Please take a look at my work addressing the above mentioned examples:
2.1 – 2.5,
2.7 of the Instructional Design & Development competencies
*A note on the eCourse on Constructivism for users with ADD
The creation of this eCourse has been one of my most humbling and rewarding experiences in the MDE program. I bought books, created graphics and tested the program on various users; however the initial response was less than successful. Not only was there too much going on, but in my enthusiasm I had built the eCourse with all of the attributes not useful to learners with ADD! So, with the help of my learner, I reworked the eCourse and voila, success! My instructor told me that my paper could be “could be 'published' or put forward and studied as an excellent example of the assignment”.
* A note on the Personal Learning Philosophy paper
With this being my very first paper, there was a mix of emotions; scared, nervous, excited, petrified, all because I thought that once the professor saw my writing, nay, read my writing, he would tell me that I was not good enough.
I cried, cried some more, called my best friend and spent the rest of the night writing. This was a hard paper for me and when it was finished I felt relived and complete. I had never really thought of my learning philosophy before, however once it was on paper I was flabbergasted. Honestly, how could someone who is usually always bubbly and happy have such a dour outlook. I learned a lot about myself that night, my likes, dislikes and most importantly, my teaching philosophy. I have no regrets.